Monthly Archives: November 2008

A Message for Fiscal Conservative Republicans

It is time to leave the Republican Party.  There hasn’t been a fiscally conservative Republican since Warren Harding.  There are few fiscal conservatives in the House and none in the Senate.

Many people think that fiscal conservatism is cutting taxes.  This is partially true.  A fiscal conservative would also limit spending to what is lawfully and constitutionally essential.

The Republican Party is NOT a fiscally conservative party.  They may be somewhat more fiscally conservative than Democrats, but that is like calling an elephant svelt because it isn’t as heavy as a rhinoceros.

There are two options:  Joining a fiscal conservative party like the Libertarian Party or forming your own party.  I would suggest joining the Libertarian Party.  It is already an established party whose platform is consistent with fiscal conservatism.  And if enough fiscal conservatives join the Libertarian Party, the Democrats will have a formidable foe who will stop the excessive taxation and spending Americans have had to endure.


Filed under conservative, Democrat, libertarian, Libertarian Party, policy, politics, Republican, spending, taxes, Washington

“Vortex” is Back!

I would like to apologize for going on hiatus when my work was needed the most.  I have had a number of personal issues that required my time.  I also had the misfortune of having my computer break down at the most inopportune time.

The “Vortex of Freedom” Radio Show will be returning this Saturday at its new temporary time – 10:00PM Eastern.  I had an impromptu show last night on BlogTalk radio.

The 2008 Elections – Pardon Me While I Puke

I will give my insight to the 2008 elections and offer hard evidence into why America was duped once again by both parties and the corporate media.

Saturday 10PM Eastern  Call-in number: 347-215-7969

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Filed under Blogtalk Radio, libertarian, Libertarian Party, McCain, media, Obama, policy, politics, spending, Washington

Wake Up, America!

Sometimes the Europeans are correct about Americans.  Take the recent election for example.  In spite of the fact that Congress had a 15% approval rating, an overwhelming majority of House members were able to win reelection.  We tend to suffer from “battered spouse syndrome” when we vote.  While we are able to recognize that Congress is seriously flawed, we deny that our representative is responsible for the ills in Washington.

The time to change the tide is now.  We have to quit electing Democrats and Republicans if we want to restore what made our country great.  I would like to see the third parties get together and join forces in fundrasing.

The sooner the facade that the two corporate parties represent mainstream America is exposed, the sooner we can save our country.

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Filed under Democrat, Election, libertarian, Libertarian Party, Obama, politics, Republican, Washington